Report: February 1

As we continue planting, it’s important to check in with partners like AT&T to ensure that nothing disrupts service for anyone in the area. We are walked through an area and shown the location of all utilities and other resources so everything get planted without a hitch.

Sometimes, trees start to lean after their initial planting. We continuously monitor all of our trees to make sure that they’re healthy and settling into their new home ok.

In this case, we had to go straighten up some of the trees as they began to lean!

Our partners at Louisville Grows did some residential staging and planting projects along 6th street recently. In addition to this, we met with Heady Funeral Home for some consultations on planting around their estate.

Planting continued on Bellevue and Carl Ray Nursery is finishing up on Stanley Avenue!


Report: February 18


Report: January 13