Maintenance and Replanting

During the months of August, September, and October, the Green Heart Greening Team assessed the planting areas in need of ongoing maintenance. While working closely with the local community, the Greening Team devised a plan for ongoing maintenance, removal of perished trees, and replanting new trees.

The team closed its operations in the Bicknell Holding yard within the Louisville City limits and transported its remaining inventory to a nearby tree nursery. There, approximately 275 trees were held until mid-October, when the weather became ideal for replanting.

On 17 October, the Green Heart landscape contractors began removing stumps and replanting the tree gaps with the criteria of aesthetic appeal and affirming scientific outcomes in mind.

Over 300 newly planted Green Heart trees have been loved in the last month. They have been surveyed, planted, dressed in soil, fertilizer, and mulch, and are ready to grow.

Check back soon for more updates as Green Heart scientists begin tracking the scientific findings of the 8,000+ tree plantings.


Report: July 11